Space 2 update
Space 2 update

User cannot take over Unfallen systems using Pacifist Conversion.Exiting to Desktop menu option no longer takes the user to the title screen instead of the Desktop.Laws can no longer be abolished on the same turn they were passed.The user is now able to use the Destroy Planet action in his own influence area.Arrow keys are now functional in the "System management" or "Planet" scan views.The minor faction influence bar is no longer inconsistent with the current diplomatic relation after using the Cease Fire action.Loading a save game while the Client is in the space battle loading screen no longer results in a stuck state.Effects of the starting technologies are now displayed in their tooltips.Fixed an infinite turn caused by fleets which couldn't be sold by the bailiff when in orbit.

#Space 2 update mods

Fixed a bug where the button for loading the last mods were enabled even if it contained missing mods, causing the game to crash if the user used the feature.Fixed the 'Implant Beacon' action canceling itself on Lost star systems.Fixed Unfallen systems becoming unentwined after a successful invasion.Fixed anarchy duration estimation in Government Selection screen.Fixed the victory progression feedbacks for Wonder victory in the Empire screen and take into account alliances.Fixed an error with Riftborn Carriers stuck warping into battle.Fixed Vodyani leechers behaving incorrectly on systems with low population.Fixed siege status not updating when the diplomatic relation with the node influence owner changed.Fixed Guardian curiosities being triggered on Vodyani systems.

space 2 update

  • Fixed 'Blockade Breakers' trait not working.
  • Fixed new game Multiplayer Join button missing translation in some languages.
  • Fixed Game Creation Screen messed up in some resolutions.
  • Fixed Unique Planets not getting the destroyed planet visual.
  • Fixed issue with metaplot achievements "Sins of the Fathers" & "Ctrl + Alt + Delete", they now work as intended.
  • Fixed Vodyani system capture causing errors in rare cases.
  • Fixed infinite buildings auto replacement causing issues.
  • Fixed empire swap in diplomacy screen when in alliance (sometimes, the sector shows the Unknown (?) state instead of the correct diplomatic state between the inspected empire and your alliance).
  • Fixed tooltip for science, economic and wonder victories.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Probe instructions" were still active after opening a Game Menu sub screen.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to queue multiple terraformation actions for the same planet.
  • Fixed the faction displayed in the save files list.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pacifist Conversion icon didn't appear on the colonized systems after the Unfallen entwine them.
  • Fixed Rebellion value not being saved when a Vodyani ark detaches/reattaches.
  • space 2 update

    Fixed an issue on the victory stats screen where the stats displayed were broken.Fixed issues where the depletion was broken depending of game speed.Fixed a problem in some broken saves due to outpost migration (reported here).Fixed an issue where political events of global, Academy and Academy - Finale quests had missing GUI elements.Fixed an issue where events and Academy quests had missing texts.

    Space 2 update